Today i want to check if my understandings of Go packages are correct:
(Reference: golang-packages)1) There is only one package inside a subdirectory under $GOPATH
2) The package name has to be the same as the subdirectory name
3) The package can consist of any number of files
4) The filenames of the *.go files inside one package can be anything you choose
So i created a new directory for my test library package:
which is in my case:
Inside that directory i created two files:
1) rpcbotinterfaceobjects_input.go
package rpcbotinterfaceobjects
type BotInput struct {
Content string
func (this *BotInput) GetContent() string {
return this.Content
func (this *BotInput) SetContent(NewContent string) {
this.Content = NewContent
2) rpcbotinterfaceobjects_output.go
package rpcbotinterfaceobjects
type BotOutput struct {
Content string
func (this *BotOutput) GetContent() string {
return this.Content
func (this *BotOutput) SetContent(NewContent string) {
this.Content = NewContent
As you can see the package names are both the same, but the filenames can be anything you choose.Next is to create the executable which uses this package in:
$GOPATH\src\\<yourgithubusername>\packagetestor in my case:
Create a file named test_my_package.go (or actually any name you want) and insert the following code into it:
package main
import (
// use the rpcbotinterfaceobjects package
func main() {
// Variable declaration for in and output objects
var input rpcbotinterfaceobjects.BotInput
var output rpcbotinterfaceobjects.BotOutput
// Write test strings to the objects
// Show the content of the objects
Open a cmd shell and cd into the packagetest directory.
Run go install to build the executable, it will be put into your $GOPATH\bin folder.
Note: The bin will be named after your folder, not your *.go file!
Run packagetest
So far my assumptions 1-4 have been confirmed and additionally my tests seem to indicate that if you compile a file with func main() in it, the resulting exe is named like the directory your main comes from.
Maybe some of you may ask why I used this in the struct methods. Thats because I come from a Java and Delphi background and as this or self is not a keyword in Go I just used it for better readability.
Golang does not have a self or this keyword to reference to the current instance. In the method example of func (c *Circle) area() float64 the receiver struct is named "c". Use that variable name, rather than this to refer to the current instance.
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