The test is to crawl content from Reddit and store it into a mysql database. The interresting part is in:
App Logic: Crawler
Gorp Struct: The Post struct which gets stored to mysql
If you dont already know how to use git or go get please check this out:
The key part is the Post struct, which defines how the Posts table in mysql will be created:
Note: the table creation will NOT work with the master gorp, you have to use: gorp with indexes
// holds a single post
type Post struct {
Id uint64 `db:"notnull, PID, primarykey, autoincrement"`
SecondTestID int `db:"notnull, name: SID"`
Created time.Time `db:"notnull, primarykey"`
PostDate time.Time `db:"notnull"`
Site string `db:"name: PostSite, notnull, size:50"`
PostId string `db:"notnull, size:32, unique"`
Score int `db:"notnull"`
Title string `db:"notnull"`
Url string `db:"notnull"`
User string `db:"index:idx_user, size:64"`
PostSub string `db:"index:idx_user, size:128"`
UserIP string `db:"notnull, size:16"`
BodyType string `db:"notnull, size:64"`
Body string `db:"name:PostBody, size:16384"`
Err error `db:"-"` // ignore this field when storing with gorp
The part of the source which connects your go code to the database is redditFetchGorp:
// connect to db using standard Go database/sql API
//db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname")
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "golang:golang@/golang")
if err != nil {
return errors.New("sql.Open failed: " + err.Error())
// construct a gorp DbMap
dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: gorp.MySQLDialect{"InnoDB", "UTF8"}}
defer dbmap.Db.Close()
// register the structs you wish to use with gorp
// you can also use the shorter dbmap.AddTable() if you
// don't want to override the table name
_ = dbmap.AddTableWithName(post.Post{}, "posts")
// create the table. in a production system you'd generally
// use a migration tool, or create the tables via scripts
err = dbmap.CreateTablesIfNotExists()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Create table 'posts' failed: " + err.Error())
The resulting table should be:
CREATE TABLE `posts` (
`PID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`SID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Created` datetime NOT NULL,
`PostDate` datetime NOT NULL,
`PostSite` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`PostId` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`Score` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`Url` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`User` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
`PostSub` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
`UserIP` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
`BodyType` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`PostBody` varchar(16384) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`PID`,`Created`),
UNIQUE KEY `PostId` (`PostId`),
KEY `idx_user` (`User`,`PostSub`)
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