Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 7 - GoQuery HTML parsing

This post is about testing GoQuery from PuerkitoBio (tnx for this amazing lib!), a library for parsing HTML, which I intend to use in my webcrawler.
Its syntax is similar to jQuery ( Readme ), so i thought thats cool, lots of people use jQuery and its well documented. Furthermore its much less boilerplate code than the plain net/html package which comes with Go.

I had some issues to wrap my head around to understand that ".title.may-blank" is different 
from ".title .may-blank"  (note the space). The first searches for an element with 
class="title may-blank", and the second one searches for a class="title" with a child class="may-blank".

After scratching my head for several hours i finally decided to look into the jQuery documentation - aaaand Bingo!! (To note is that I hate JavaScript since the 90s and try to avoid it whenever possible) 

Here is my test code, parsing posts (from a static html) from reddit:
The test HTML was copied from within the firefox inspector and then formatted by the Tidy2 plugin for Notebook++

package main

import (

func ExampleGoQuery() {

    // Get an io.Reader with HTML content
    io := getHtmlInputReader()

    // Create a qoquery document to parse from
    doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(io)
    checkErr(err, "Failed to parse HTML")

    fmt.Println("---- Starting to parse ------------------------")

    // Find reddit posts = elements with class "thing"
    thing := doc.Find(".thing")
    for iThing := range thing.Nodes {

        // use `single` as a selection of 1 node
        singlething := thing.Eq(iThing)

        // get the reddit post identifier
        reddit_post_id, exists := singlething.Attr("data-fullname")
        if exists == true {

            // find an element with class title and a child with class may-blank
            reddit_post_title := singlething.Find(".title .may-blank").Text()
            reddit_post_user := singlething.Find(".author").Text()
            // find an element with class comments and may-blank (in the same element, note the space!)
            reddit_post_url, _ := singlething.Find(".comments.may-blank").Attr("href")
            reddit_post_score := singlething.Find(".score.likes").Text()
            reddit_postdate, exists := singlething.Find("time").Attr("datetime")

            if exists == true {

                // Remove CRLF and unnecessary whitespaces
                reddit_post_title = stringMinifier(reddit_post_title)

                // Print out the crawled info
                fmt.Println("Id = " + reddit_post_id)
                fmt.Println("Date = " + reddit_postdate)
                fmt.Println("User = " + reddit_post_user)
                fmt.Println("Title = " + reddit_post_title)
                fmt.Println("Score = " + reddit_post_score)
                fmt.Println("Url = " + reddit_post_url)



// Removes all unnecessary whitespaces
func stringMinifier(in string) (out string) {

    white := false
    for _, c := range in {
        if unicode.IsSpace(c) {
            if !white {
                out = out + " "
            white = true
        } else {
            out = out + string(c)
            white = false

// returns an io.Reader with dummy test html
func getHtmlInputReader() io.Reader {
    s := `
    <meta name="generator"
    content="HTML Tidy for HTML5 (experimental) for Windows" />
    <div class="thing id-t3_34z9xo odd link" onclick="click_thing(this)" data-fullname="t3_34z9xo">
      <p class="parent"></p>
      <span class="rank">1</span>
      <div class="midcol unvoted">
        <div class="arrow up login-required" onclick="$(this).vote(r.config.vote_hash, null, event)" role="button"
        aria-label="upvote" tabindex="0"></div>
        <div class="score dislikes">10</div>
        <div class="score unvoted">11</div>
        <div class="score likes">12</div>
        <div class="arrow down login-required" onclick="$(this).vote(r.config.vote_hash, null, event)" role="button"
        aria-label="downvote" tabindex="0"></div>
      <div class="entry unvoted">
        <p class="title">
        <a class="title may-blank loggedin" href="" tabindex="1">dariubs/GoBooks: list of paper
        and electronic books on Go</a> 
        <span class="domain">(
        <a href="/domain/"></a>)</span></p>
        <p class="tagline">submitted 
        <time title="Tue May 5 20:13:08 2015 UTC" datetime="2015-05-05T20:13:08+00:00" class="live-timestamp">10 hours ago</time>
        <a href="" class="author may-blank id-t2_3hcmx">dgryski</a></p>
        <ul class="flat-list buttons">
          <li class="first">
            <a href=""
            class="comments may-blank">1 comment</a>
          <li class="share">
            <span class="share-button toggle" style="">
              <a class="option active login-required" href="#" tabindex="100"
              onclick="return toggle(this, share, cancelShare)">share</a>
              <a class="option" href="#">cancel</a>
          <li class="link-save-button save-button">
            <a href="#">save</a>
            <form action="/post/hide" method="post" class="state-button hide-button">
              <input name="executed" value="hidden" type="hidden" />
                <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="change_state(this, &#39;hide&#39;, hide_thing);">hide</a>
          <li class="report-button">
            <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="action-thing" data-action-form="#report-action-form">report</a>
        <div class="expando" style="display: none">
          <span class="error">loading...</span>
      <div class="child"></div>
      <div class="clearleft"></div>
   <div class="thing id-t3_359t2l odd link self" onclick="click_thing(this)" data-fullname="t3_359t2l">
      <p class="parent"></p>
      <span class="rank">1</span>
      <div class="midcol unvoted">
        <div class="arrow up login-required" onclick="$(this).vote(r.config.vote_hash, null, event)" role="button"
        aria-label="upvote" tabindex="0"></div>
        <div class="score likes">•</div>
        <div class="score unvoted">•</div>
        <div class="score dislikes">•</div>
        <div class="arrow down login-required" onclick="$(this).vote(r.config.vote_hash, null, event)" role="button"
        aria-label="downvote" tabindex="0"></div>
      <div class="entry unvoted">
        <p class="title">
        <a class="title may-blank loggedin" href="/r/golang/comments/359t2l/bulding_api_services_in_go/" tabindex="1"
        rel="nofollow">Bulding API services in Go</a> 
        <span class="domain">(
        <a href="/r/golang/">self.golang</a>)</span></p>
        <div class="expando-button collapsed selftext" onclick="expando_child(this)"></div>
        <p class="tagline">submitted 
        <time title="Fri May 8 08:41:00 2015 UTC" datetime="2015-05-08T08:41:00+00:00" class="live-timestamp">a minute ago</time>
        <a href="" class="author may-blank id-t2_8bbqm">jan1024188</a></p>
        <ul class="flat-list buttons">
          <li class="first">
            <a href=""
            class="comments empty may-blank">comment</a>
          <li class="share">
            <span class="share-button toggle" style="">
              <a class="option active login-required" href="#" tabindex="100"
              onclick="return toggle(this, share, cancelShare)">share</a>
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          <li class="link-save-button save-button">
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            <form action="/post/hide" method="post" class="state-button hide-button">
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                <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="change_state(this, &#39;hide&#39;, hide_thing);">hide</a>
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          <span class="error">loading...</span>
      <div class="child"></div>
      <div class="clearleft"></div>
    return strings.NewReader(s)

func checkErr(err error, msg string) {
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln(msg, err)

func main() {

Every day im falling more into love with Go!