Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day 6 - String minifier, remove whitespaces

While writing a webcrawler I stumbled over an annoying problem: The strings I did extract had CRLF, tabs and spaces in it which I did not want. So first I looked at the strings library. There are Replace and Trim functions, but none of them did exactly what I wanted: I did want to remove all unnecessary whitespaces, but not all of them, there should always be one single space between.

So after googling for more than one hour I decided to write it myself and I was astonished that it took me only 5 minutes and it compiled at the first try (Go is such a great language!):

package main 
import (
func main() {
    s := "I am a string\n           Containing    tooo    many     spaces     and    \n new lines"
    println("Before: " + s)
    s = stringMinifier(s)
    println("After: " + s)
    println("----------\n" + strings.Replace(s, "am", "am not anymore", 1))
func stringMinifier(in string) (out string) {

    white := false
    for _, c := range in {
        if unicode.IsSpace(c) {
            if !white {
                out = out + " "
            white = true
        } else {
            out = out + string(c)
            white = false

Before: I am a string
           Containing    tooo    many     spaces     and    
 new lines
After: I am a string Containing tooo many spaces and new lines
I am not anymore a string Containing tooo many spaces and new lines 


  1. Nice! I have found some html minifiers but none for plain UTF-8 text

  2. great. I wish I has something like this in the standard library.

  3. Yeaaahhhh...
    Finally i found this...
    Thanks so much..
